vint-i-dos anys i ja no hi és
Mahsa era el seu nom,
Era una noia, vivia allà
on la voluntat de Déu es la llei
administrada pels homes
diuen seguir l'islam
Però no tenien ni idea
de la fe i de la veritat,
el seu "cap" no adora ningú
només el seu propi "jo"
Van dir que era voluntat de Déu
-i això em posa malalta -
no els agradava com vestia
i per això la van matar!
L'endemà tot va canviar a l'Iran
dones i homes molt enfadats
Aquest sistema, aquesta opressió
Ja no l'aguanten més!
Com serà la història? No ho sé
però hem de tenir esperança,
que dones d'arreu del món diguin:
No cal fer el què ens diuen!
There once was a girl
who lived in Iran
She was only 22
but now she's gone
Her name was Mahsa
and her fault was
Oh wait... there was none!
She was just a girl
who lived on a land
Where the role of God
was played by men
They claimed to be
following Islam
and ruled by the Quran
Well, obviously
they had no clue
How faith should be
and what was true
Following a man who
worships no one
But his own ego!
The way they took
rights to free will
And claimed it's a God's wish
makes me ill
They didn't like
how Mahsa dressed
And that's what got her killed!
But next was a
different day for Iran
People were pissed
every woman every man
This system this oppression
They will no longer withstand!
How the story ends?
I don't know
All we can have for now
is hope
That women all over the world
Don't have to do
whats they're told!